Video for Publishers: Why You Should Include Video in Your Features

As time marches on, video is only becoming more important in our digital world.  If you're an online publisher, video is something you NEED to include on your site.  You've probably had contributors submit a video in the past, but left that out of your post simply because you aren't sure exactly what to do with it. We want video to be a thing that everyone knows how to use, which will allow the awesome video creators of the world have their projects featured alongside those of our writer and photographer friends.  It will also use assets that already exist to enhance more website than just our own. Why Publishers Should Include Video The best reason to add video to your submissions and to include it on [...]

By |2018-04-27T14:00:50+00:00April 27th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

On Creativity, Inspiration, and Originality.

It might sound cliche, but it's ever so true: "Be yourself.  Everyone else is already taken." Sometimes this adage is easier said than done, though.  To be yourself, you have to figure out who you really are.  If we're being honest, most of us spend our whole lives figuring it out, then realizing we didn't have it all figured out, then searching again. That process is what I want to talk about today, on how to guard your own creative process while searching and figuring things out.  Whether you're planning an event,working on your website, or running your own business, how can you be sure that the story you're writing for yourself is an original; not a diminished revision from someone else? Be choosy about your [...]

By |2018-04-25T11:56:45+00:00April 25th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

3 Types of Content You Need on Your Website

At some point in time, we all struggle for content.  We know that the number one thing our clients (and search engines) want from us is quality content, but it's hard to constantly produce that kind of quality.  I want to talk about a few different types of content that you should be using on your website and social media channels to keep your pages fresh and relevant. 3 Types of Video Content Every Business Needs For each of these types, you should try to publish images, video, and well-written copy to share your content.  Having a variety of media in each category will establish your website as a trusted voice in the field and keep your audience engaged. Campaign Content Campaign content is information that [...]

By |2018-03-30T00:24:01+00:00March 19th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Tuesdays Together MARCH: Accounting and Finances

Tuesdays Together Morgantown is a group of creative entrepreneurs who meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to connect over a variety of business topics. March's topic was Accounting and Finances.  Download the full guide here. We were so happy to welcome Beverly Ryan from Northstar Accounting and Financial Services to share her expertise and answer some of our questions.  Knowing that this is such an important (and confusing) topic for many creatives...and we had some snow storms in the area...we accepted questions both in the Facebook group and at the meeting.  Thanks to everyone who had a shared a question and helped to educate us all.  Here's a brief summary of the meeting. Accounting and Finance Basics This topic can be super weighty.  In the [...]

By |2018-03-15T12:29:20+00:00March 14th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments