Licensed Music for Video: Where to Find it and Why it Matters.

We've mentioned licensed music around here before, but we want to talk a little bit about exactly why it's so important. We also want share our resources on finding good music, because that it one of the most common questions that will come to us from others in the field. Now, we could just say that it's illegal to use music that hasn't been properly licensed and leave it at that.  Filmmakers and photographers have faced very expensive lawsuits over misuse; more often they just have their work removed from the internet and an unhappy client. Neither of those things are things we want to deal with. Honestly, that's not the main reason we license music though.  As artists, we know the struggle.  It's not easy for [...]

By |2018-02-27T17:35:10+00:00February 28th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Growth, Scaling, and Collaboration | Tuesdays Together February Recap

For the past year, I've been one of the leaders of a local chapter of the Rising Tide Society: Tuesdays Together Morgantown.  We are a group of creative entrepreneurs who meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to connect over a variety of business topics. I'm going to start providing a recap of our meetings, but I really hope to see you in person at a future meeting, because that is where the real connection happens! Download the full guide here: Growth & Scaling This month we talked about some of the things that are holding us back in business, keeping us from growing further. If you had a clone, what one business task would you hand off to never have to deal with again? [...]

By |2018-02-14T17:33:48+00:00February 14th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Making Your Brand Film Count | WV Video Production

So you've decided that it's time for a Brand Film.  You know it's the best way to get your message out to your clients, to capture their interest in just a few seconds, to convey the feeling you put into your work.  You've decided to make the investment in your business. Now what? Well, once you've contacted us and signed your contract, then the work begins. We schedule a time to meet with you and discuss the vision for your film.  From the very moment, your film begins to work for you. Some clients come to us with a very clearly defined brand.  They know exactly what they want to say with their video, have a clear direction for both their business and their clients. [...]

By |2018-02-07T21:05:10+00:00February 7th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments