Business Kickstart Challenge 3: Establish or Update Your Social Media

This week we are going to focus on establishing or performing critical updates to our social media pages.  Having a robust social media presence tells both clients and search engines that your business is active, relevant, and engaged.  It can also take up a lot of your time, which is why I've worked it into my regular Monday workflow.  This week we'll perform necessary updates and set up to make Mondays a breeze this year.

By |2020-01-07T17:36:27+00:00January 14th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Business Kickstart Challenge 2: Take Charge of Your Email

Have you ever sent an email inquiring about services and never received a response?  I have. I certainly didn't send a follow-up.  I hired someone else. We all know this feeling as a client. As a business owner, we know that missed emails mean lost business and a bad reputation. We also know that feeling of receiving an entire mountain of email every day and feeling a complete sense of overwhelm when we open our inbox to see pages of messages or see that little red number on our phone's email icon growing and growing. Goal: Inbox Zero Hear me out.  I know it sounds lofty.  But you can get this done in a few hours, and now (during your slow season, when you likely [...]

By |2020-01-07T18:39:27+00:00January 7th, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Business Kickstart Challenge 1: Goals and Planning

Welcome to 2020! This week we're going to tackle the first task of our 2020 Business Kickstart Challenge: Setting our goals and marking up those calendars.  The best part of this challenge is that it doesn't matter which planner you're using, just choose what works best for you.  And we're giving you a free digital download to help you get started!  Keep reading for your freebie! This year, in addition to my annual calendar, I'm using a super basic Cambridge planner for my day to day tasks. I've found that I like a place for notes on each week, plus a small weekly outlook.  This planner allows me to outline my 3 main tasks for each of my brands each week, then break those down [...]

By |2020-01-07T19:25:05+00:00January 1st, 2020|Blog|0 Comments

Video for Facebook | Video Marketing Tips from 304 Collective

Video is a very powerful form of marketing, but the complexity of creating and sharing video can feel intimidating. We want you to use whatever video you have to the most of it's potential, so we're going to walk you through sharing to Facebook today. 

By |2019-11-05T16:57:09+00:00November 5th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments