Branded & Captioned Video | WV Video Production

The only constant about video marketing (and marketing in general) is that it's always changing. We've watched the share of people who are watching videos on their mobile devices (vs desktops) steadily increase over the past few years.  We've adjusted to take advantage of different screen sizes and resolutions.  Today we're talking about not just where they are seeing your content, but HOW. Most of the people viewing your content on their mobile device are watching with the SOUND OFF. As a company that focuses heavily on quality audio, this stings a bit.  We know that audio is more than half of the story.  A well-edited voiceover or interview, combined with just the right music can capture emotion like nothing else.  But how do you [...]

By |2019-07-04T02:36:43+00:00July 4th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

We Bought A Building! | WV Video Production

It's finally time to share the big news we've been working on with everyone: WE BOUGHT A BUILDING!  We're super excited about the future of this space, and how we can use it as a home base for our businesses and as a hub to help our local creative community. While we had casually looked into a few places over the past few years, we weren't exactly seriously hunting for a new place, or to make the leap into property investment.  We have been really happy in our current studio, so we didn't have an urgent need to move.  I just stumbled on the for sale sign on this building a few months ago, got some details on it, and everything just seemed right. We [...]

By |2019-06-25T03:44:15+00:00June 25th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Video for Your Workshop, Retreat, or Conference | WV PA MD Video Production

Photo by Amberlee Christey Photography Adding video to your workshop, retreat, or conference is a great way to get the most out of your event.  In the short term, the attendees of your event will see the video and share the experience with others.  This kind of social marketing can create long term buzz for future events and your business as a whole. Video Creates a Passive Income Stream Photo by Amberlee Christey Photography If you are hosting an educational retreat or workshop, you already know that the information shared has value.  Those who attend your retreat in person already recognize that value.  Having the educational content recorded and professionally edited gives you the option to share this content with those [...]

By |2019-06-19T22:15:09+00:00June 19th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Vacation as a Small Business Owner

Vacation and downtime from work are incredibly valuable.  They can also be incredibly hard to make happen when you own your own business. Despite the challenges that come along with taking time away from your business, making vacations happen should be a priority for every small business owner and creative entrepreneur. Prioritize Your Time Off The first step to having a vacation or some downtime is that you must prioritize this time for yourself.  I'm a firm believer in the idea that we don't "have" time for things.  We MAKE time for what is valuable to us.  Having downtime away from your business is one of the first ways you can avoid burnout.  It's also necessary for the creative process.  That time you take to [...]

By |2019-05-24T20:13:11+00:00May 24th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

Appalachian Artist Video Series – The Handcrafted Cooperative

West Virginia has long been home to some of the most creative and innovative artists in the United States.  This year, we're starting a video series to feature some of those artists: the Appalachian Artist Series.  We'll partner with a new artist each quarter and share what they're working on in our area. Megan Ursic - The Handcrafted Cooperative Megan is an up and coming artist in the Morgantown area.  In addition to her own skills, she is working to promote others through her marketplace events.  The Handcrafted Cooperative is a seasonal retail market designed to provide opportunities to artisans and makers in the area, as well as improve the local economy and keep Morgantown unique. She also hosts MakeShops: pop up classes where she [...]

By |2019-04-24T18:00:38+00:00April 24th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments