IGTV: Dos and Don’ts for Vertical Video

In case you missed it, last week Instagram launched their newest addition: IGTV.  So let's catch you up. IGTV is available both on the Instagram app and as a stand-alone app. You can publish from your computer (say whaaaa?) or your mobile and it is ONLY for vertical video.  It's also for long-form content; videos can be up to an hour long.  This is completely different from the 60-second video posts and 15-second stories that Instagram has allowed in the past. So, what do we do with this? Do Use IGTV Kinda a no-brainer, but this is my first 'Do' for IGTV.  It's a great (free) opportunity, so don't disregard it.  Yes, it might be a fad (but also, it might not).  Yes, it comes with [...]

By |2020-02-02T19:41:51+00:00June 28th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

SEO & Keywords | June Tuesdays Together Recap

SEO, Keywords, and Macramé! What could be more fun? Our June meeting was a great balance of business education, crafty fun, and laughter with other creatives. This is one of those weighty topics that it is so easy to get overwhelmed by, so I really wanted to focus on one area that we could tackle in an evening.  We did a fairly in-depth analysis of SEO last summer, and I took a poll in the group and several people indicated that their pain points around this topic were finding and using keywords, so we focused on that. I did share with the group my free SEO for Small Business guide.  If you'd like a copy, join the 304 Collective mailing list.  It's a step by step [...]

By |2018-06-14T15:55:13+00:00June 14th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Video for Instagram

For a platform that loves video, Instagram is not an easy place to get a video posted!  If you have a video that is under 60 seconds, Instagram is a great place to get a little more mileage and reach out of that content.  There are just a few things to know, and I’ve broken them down into three easy steps. Step 1. Get the video on your phone. This is seriously the hardest part.  Apple, I love you, but some days I hate you.  Why does airdrop not consistently work?  When it works, it’s amazing.  When it does not work…you’ll find me, in my living room, rubbing my iPhone on my computer shouting “WHY CAN’T YOU SEE EACH OTHER?!? YOU’RE RIGHT HERE!!!”  So if airdrop [...]

By |2018-05-30T22:21:59+00:00May 30th, 2018|Blog|2 Comments

Using Video on Your Website

  So many publishers are not including amazing videos on their websites because they just don't know how.  Video is easy to use, and can be a powerful addition to any website. We're going to take you step by step through the process with some screenshots and tips for how to add video on all of the major platforms. Use a Content Delivery Network Unless you have an in-house web developer who is ready and willing to tackle hosting it on your own servers, use a content delivery network.  You're already familiar with at least one: YouTube.  Your video, and all of its data, lives there.  It doesn't eat up your bandwidth or bog down your site.  The video creator you're working with probably already uses one [...]

By |2018-05-16T14:18:06+00:00May 16th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments

Pricing & Negotiation for Creative Entrepreneurs | Tuesday’s Together May

For our May Tuesday's Together meeting, we gathered at the 304 Collective studio to talk pricing and negotiation.  You can download the full guide from the Rising Tide Society.  We also spent some time crafting detail boards for flat lays out of both plaster and linen! Pricing for Profitability Often when creatives are just starting out, pricing is an arbitrary number pulled out of thin air or based on what either a national average is, or the pricing of similar products and services already being provided by others in the area.  A better way to establish what your pricing needs to be is to do calculate your cost of doing business and cost of project creation. Cost of Doing Business for Creative Entrepreneurs To [...]

By |2018-05-09T13:10:10+00:00May 9th, 2018|Blog|0 Comments